Artist and Art Educator

ArtPrize 2015 - Luminous Joy

Across the globe, millions of children who are orphans are for the first time experiencing joy as they come to find safety and loving care from people, organizations, and orphanages working to give these children new potential in life. After seeing photographs of children who are experiencing joy for the first time—their expressions bright and hopeful—I was inspired to capture these expressions, in vibrant colors, as a way to celebrate the good work so many people do. I have contacted orphanages in each of the six continents to hear their unique stories and in doing so, I’ve created an emotional connection through my paintings that may be shared with and inspire others to see the beauty and brightness hope brings. 
 This installation is not meant to focus on suffering or abandonment, which we often associate with children who are orphans, but rather it is a celebration of all the wonderful things people do to provide millions of children a chance at a life filled with joy. #LuminousJoy

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